Sophie (Chanko) Dare

Creating, writing, and writing about creating!Connect with me on Twitter and Instagram @yesimsophie


Bea Miller has been in my rotation of favorite artists for years now, ever since she rose to fame on The X Factor in 2013. She's progressed from girl pop with punk rock elements into more alternative, experimental, and honest songwriting in recent years.

This new single is off of her upcoming EP, elated, which drops October 23rd. It's a song that takes a lighthearted stab at wishing you still had your happy-go-lucky outlook on life that you used to have as a young kid:

Why am I so stupid? Used to be so smart

When they pulled my teeth out, lost the wisest part

I used to be so happy no matter what happened to me

But when they pulled my teeth out, lost the wisest part

It uses the analogy of getting your wisdom teeth out as a high-school-aged teen to getting your childhood attitude removed, and it's set to a catchy pop tune that you can always expect from Bea.

Bea's tour was the last concert I saw before COVID shut everything down, so I have very fond memories of dancing around and yelling the words to her songs – hopefully we get back to normal soon, and I can experience live music like hers again!

Thanks for reading!

I love coffee - not because it gives me a necessary caffeine hit, or because I crave it to start my day, but because it tastes good and there's so much creativity involved in a coffee drink. You can visit a coffee shop and drink anything from a frozen mint mocha to a hot honey cinnamon latte, and it still all comes down to coffee.

Now that I live right outside of downtown Ann Arbor, MI, I'm a short drive away from countless cute, local coffee spots, and I'm still in the process of trying to visit every last one. But, when I don't want to spend money, I'm perfectly fine with making cups of coffee myself in my own kitchen. Here are all of my favorite coffee supplies, as well as my favorite things to order when I do go out!

Caribou Coffee Vanilla Hazelnut Dreamstate

This is it: the greatest coffee I've ever tried. This is the coffee they serve piping hot at Einstein Bros. Bagels, and once I tried it there, I knew I had to have it. It's rich, strong, and has the most amazing sweet flavor, you barely even need creamer.

Coffee Mate Natural Bliss Vanilla Almondmilk Creamer

This is my creamer of choice, and whether you're a dairy drinker or not, this is soooo tasty. It adds some sweetness but not too much, which is usually my complaint with any other flavored creamers. It's not too sugary or strong, and it's the perfect addition to any cup of coffee.

STOK Cold Brew

This is literally all I drink all summer long. I go through these jugs of cold brew coffee like crazy, and this is the best strong & smooth blend that I've tried.

LeafLoveLife Pour Over Coffee Filter

This is what I use to brew my hot coffee at home, and it's gotta be the easiest thing ever. You just throw two tablespoons of grounds in it, and pour your boiling hot water over it as it sits on top of your coffee mug. It's a single-serve way to make your coffee, and it takes only a couple of minutes to make!

Simple Modern 16oz Voyager Travel Mug

I needed a travel mug to keep my coffee hot on my drives into work, and boy does this deliver. I love the fun design of this, and it's the perfect size at 16 ounces as well.

Simple Modern Classic Insulated Tumbler with Straw

I found this gem at Target, and it's gotta be my most-used pick in this list as of late. It keeps my iced coffee (or ice water) super cold, it's skinny enough to fit in any cupholder, and its 24 ounce size can hold a whole lot.


We hear about the importance of diversity a lot in our world, and rightly so. If we only ever associate with people who are super similar to ourselves, we'll never experience the vast differences that the world, and the people in our own backyard, have to offer.

I've experienced this firsthand throughout my young adult life, as I reflect on how diverse my group of friends are, and how each person I know comes from a different walk of life than I'm used to. It's truly a blessing, and I love being able to learn from their unique perspectives and experiences.

For some context, I'm 21 years old, white, in a long-term heterosexual relationship, have separated parents, attended private school my entire childhood, lived with my mom until a few months ago, and attended two years of community college.


My one friend is 26; she finished her bachelor's at Ohio State while working many jobs and commuting two hours into town to make ends meet. She grew up on a farm, showing animals at 4H for her whole childhood, and her parents are divorced, but she lived with her dad instead of her mom, like I did. She loves road trips, funky/ alternative fashion, and buying as many fall-scented candles as possible.

She has a job totally different from anything I've ever worked in, and she has an entire life and school experience from years before I ever even met her. It's eye-opening to hear her stories of working overnight shifts and going to class the entire next day, or what it was like living in a sorority house that went very bad very quickly. She's single and lives alone, so she has freedom, time, and space that's great to experience whenever I visit her. She's so hardworking and strong that it blows my mind, and she really is a great, honorable person to call a friend.

She's the first friend I ever made that's significantly older than me, but I didn't even realize it when we first met in 2017. We're on the same mental level and we love spending time doing the same things together: shopping at the mall, buying food from Trader Joe's, and going to as many concerts in a row as possible.


Another friend of mine is Indian; she's engaged to one of my boyfriend's best friends, and she's the worship leader at our church, so I spend a lot of time around her in the social circles we run in. She's 27, with a Master's in choral direction from the prestigious University of Michigan music school. She is so wise, calm, and level-headed, and she's a wonderful person to have around.

She listens and she asks good questions in conversation, and she always makes me feel heard and validated. She challenges me to live a better life and to think about what's really important. She also comes from a completely different cultural and educational background than mine, so hearing about her past experiences are from a whole new world for me.


A friend that I'm guaranteed to have around for a long while is my boyfriend's sister; she's a barista at the cutest coffee shop & bakery around, and she's 19. She's had quite a few misadventures with boys, and she's one of the best artists I've ever known, with notebooks and journals filled to the brim with whimsical doodles and quotes. She doesn't care much for the idea of college and picking a career so soon in life, and she still just has a great time being silly with her younger siblings, curating a perfect Instagram feed, and going on bike rides first thing in the morning.

She's not really that much younger than me, but it's a completely new experience for me to have someone like a little sister, since I only have one actual brother. We share clothes, complain about boys, and go on coffee dates just like real sisters, and sometimes it seems like she's from an entirely different generation than me. She sees the world and her life ahead of her in a way that I don't always relate to, and it's great to have her as a friend and somewhat of a family member.


Finally, a good friend that I always count myself lucky to have is another one that's much older than me at 28; she's the lead singer of one of my favorite local bands. Not only is she ridiculously talented, she's so sweet and caring, and she brightens my life by being in it.

She's a full-time creative, working as a graphic designer for a large church in addition to writing, recording, and promoting for their band. She's been married for a few years now to the guy she dated throughout and after college, and she encourages me in my relationship all the time. Her personality and way of thinking is very different than mine, so she always has a good outside perspective on things that I bring to her. She knows people from my past social circles that none of my other friends do, so she understands me differently and in a different context than most other people.

She's been there to listen to me and watch me cry over friends I've had to let go or had difficult talks with. I can be vulnerable with her about people or situations that are hard to talk about with anyone else, and she doesn't judge me or look at me differently. She shows me love and kindness, and she affirms and complements me in such genuine ways for qualities that she admires about me.


I could go on and on, but the bottom line is, I have so many friends who bring so many diverse, wonderful qualities to the table.

I remember hearing someone speak at my high school to all of us seniors – I don't remember exactly what the purpose of his talk was, but I'll always remember something he drilled into us towards the end:

In order to have a good big-picture about life, you need to associate with people who look differently than you, who make their money differently than you, who vote differently than you, who grew up differently than you, and who think differently than you.

Having friends of all kinds, shapes, sizes, and ages has shaped me into a more well-rounded and critically thinking person, and I couldn't be more grateful for each and every one of them.

Thanks for reading!


This appears to be the most unlikely scenario for a solo breakaway from a band – 5SOS's drummer, Ashton, surprised all of us with the announcement that he's releasing an entire solo album himself. He's spoken about how he wants to create songs that are honest and address issues that he's gone through personally. It's a big win for us OG 5SOS fans, because we've known that Ashton has a great voice and vision for music, even though he's stuck behind the drum set in the background most of the time.

This single has a big, anthemic 80's rock feel, with lyrics addressing the feeling of trying to make it through life when you feel beaten down. It compares the journey of just making it up the stairs to Mount Everest, which is a really vivid picture of what anxiety or depression can feel like. It's a great tune, and I'm excited to see what he puts out next!

Thanks for reading!

It's a special, sacred thing

Maybe it's because of the lyrics, inspiring, telling a story, or evoking a specific emotion that you thought you were the only one who's felt it.

Maybe it's because of the music, swelling or shifting to make your brain signals fire in just the right way, that you feel something so strong and overwhelming, it comes through your eyes.

It's mostly a mysteriously impressive phenomenon to me, because I haven't experienced real heartbreak in a few years.

I remember mourning the loss of my middle school best friend, as she moved away to college, and we had drifted so far apart, it seemed we'd never speak again. I sat in grocery store parking lots and cried along with sad songs – not missing a boy, but missing the girl I'd loved as a friend for my whole life up to that point.

Then, as time went on, I would apply my situations with boys I had fallen for to sad songs: being in the friendzone, feeling invisible to the object of my affections, or going through rough patches in our friendships. I felt so deeply for guys that had never seen me as more than just a friend, and it was hard, but I had plenty of songs about rejection and melodramatic emotions to keep me company through it.

And even now, I'm in a wonderful relationship, looking towards our future, I have solid friendships, a good job, a cute apartment, and an overall great spot in life. I have nothing to cry about at the moment, and for that, I'm immensely grateful.

But I still love listening to sad songs, and they still take up the majority of my favorites list. Why?

Because they remind me of those dark, sad times that I successfully made it through. They remind me of how I used to cry over friendships, and how I've grown and changed since then, being able to move on and accept the changes in me and my former friends' lives. They remind me of when Peter and I had a rocky friendship as teenagers, and how we stuck it out, became better people, and now can't wait to start our future together.

And finally, they serve as a reminder that it's good and healthy to have outlets where you can feel emotions intensely. Sometimes, I just need a good cry, and a good song is the best way to have that. Or, sometimes I just appreciate the beauty of the musical expression of emotion, and even if it's not necessarily an emotion I'm feeling at that moment, I can still appreciate it.

Coil subscribers, keep on scrolling for a few of my very favorite sad songs.

Thanks for reading!


Hello, fall! October is just around the corner now, and it's starting to reach those lovely fall temperatures here in Michigan. It's been quite a month, and here are my highlights from my little corner of the Internet.

Fast Fashion & Sustainable Shopping

I loved writing this little series about the sad truth behind cheap clothing, and especially writing this part, about ways we can buy clothes more ethically, and invest in higher quality pieces!

Our Second Anniversary: Reflecting on Then and Now

It was my and my boyfriend's two-year anniversary of dating (and five years of being friends!) this month, and I just spilled the whole story of how we finally got together after spending most of our high school & college years around each other. I'll always want to be honest and open about how much being in a committed relationship has forced me to work on myself and grow as a person, and it's been the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Sustainable Shopping: Everlane Clothing Brand Review

I just adore every piece of clothing I own from Everlane, so I couldn't help but sing their praises in a blog post.

misc. – September 2020

This is the beginning of a place where I can just dump my random discoveries and recommendations of the month, from beauty products and Target finds to TV shows and recipes.

3 Super Helpful Job Interview Tips

I'm very proud of this one, I hope that these tips can help someone as much as they've helped me, and I'm still continuing to learn and use more of these tips as I continue my job hunt (I've got a few promising phone calls lined up, wish me luck!)

How To Create A Visually Pleasing Digital Portfolio

This one was also super fun and informative, and this kind of digital portfolio is essential for any creator looking to show off their accomplishments!

Thanks for reading!

It's no secret that I love finding a good deal. I enjoy keeping my budget on track, and I'm always looking for the best way to buy something and get the most money off. Now that I live on my own in the city on a part-time income, I've had to stay on top of it and come up with some new ways to shave some dollars off of my spending. Here are my non-conventional tips for saving money in your day-to-day life!

1. Take advantage of loyalty programs for necessities

This is probably the easiest and the most fun thing to do on this list, but it still takes some forethought and effort. Think about the things that you most consistently purchase - for me, it's coffee, makeup & beauty products, and ingredients for unique recipes. Shop around on different stores' websites or in person, and find out where you can get the most bang for your buck from visiting them frequently.

For example, I love shopping at Ulta Beauty for any personal care item I might need. If I need any shampoo, mascara, or a new hairbrush, I will always make a trip to buy it at Ulta, because their rewards program is so rewarding! Each dollar you spend there translates to points, which you can then save up and redeem for money off of your future purposes. I've saved literally hundreds of dollars by accumulating points and redeeming them on things that I would already need to buy. By always using my loyalty account and making an effort to buy from Ulta whenever possible, it's like I get paid to shop!

Even for mundane things like gasoline or groceries, check out which of your local shops offer loyalty programs, and which ones will pay off the most in the long run. For me, one of my local grocery stores even has a gas station affiliated with it, so when I buy my load of groceries, I'm giving myself points for a couple of cents off of my gas purchase as well!

2. Commit to saving in sinking funds

This is one of my favorite things that I do for myself and my money. I've got a couple of little envelopes that are for my car, gift, and hair sinking fund. Every payday, or every time I get a boost, I'll take out some cash and throw a $10 or $20 in each of those envelopes.

These are categories that I don't spend money on every single week or month, but intermittent expenses that come up once in a while. Getting my hair cut and colored is upwards of $130, but if I've spread out the savings through several paychecks, it doesn't hurt as much when I have to fork out that much money at once.

Same thing with getting an oil change or fixing something on my car, or buying a nice birthday present for a friend – doesn't happen every week, but when it does, I need a stash of cash to cover it. It's awesome getting to just pull out my envelope and already having what I need saved up already!

3. Schedule errands/events that are near each other all at once to save on gas

I know, I know, it's kind of a stretch, but this is both a time and money saver. Sometimes, it feels like I have to drive all over the world to get everywhere I need to go, but in order to save myself gas money and time, I'll make sure that I take care of all my business in one part of town when I'm already going to be there.

For example, if I want to visit a certain clothing store that's near my work (30 minutes away from my apartment), I'm not going to do it on my day off – I'll make time after work to go there, even though I might be tired or not have quite as much time to browse. It's not worth making an entirely different trip and spending that gas money when I'll already be so close on my work days!

4. Bring only cash with you on big shopping trips!

This is my #1 grocery and mall day rule: if you don't have it, you can't spend it. Take out a specific amount that you're okay with spending for that occasion, and then you can't just dip into your entire bank account with your debit or credit cards.

I know that with COVID, plenty of places are encouraging card-only transactions, but honestly, I've never been turned down yet for using cash for groceries or clothing, and if the physical limit of cash helps you to not overspend,

5. Use a calculator and add as you go

Finally, this saves me lots of trouble, especially on a grocery trip where I'm picking up tons of different things. Keep track of how much your total is as you put things in your cart, rounding up for tax on any items with odd cents at the end of their prices. That way, there's no surprises at the checkout line, and you have complete control of how much you're spending.

Thanks for reading!



Troye Sivan may look young, but he's basically a veteran in the alternative pop scene. He started out by participating in singing competitions in his hometown of Perth, Australia. He also had a popular YouTube channel at the height of my teenage fandom on the platform, around 2013. His first EP came out the summer of 2014, and he's been making interesting, catchy alt pop tunes ever since.

This single is off his latest EP, In A Dream, released just last month. I hadn't listened to him in a while, but when I saw him in my new releases on Spotify, I remembered how much I've loved his songs in the past, so I had to listen. The whole EP is great, but I feel like this song really encapsulates the vibes of the release.

The musical dynamics shift from a sweeping pre-chorus buildup to a chorus that drops out from under you. The lyrics reminisce on Troye's time of being a crazy teenager, going out all night and living life to the fullest. He almost speaks to his younger self from the perspective of the present:

Hey, my lil' rager teenager, I've missed you around, yeah

Missed you around

Hey you, where you been hanging out lately?

Sleeping and spending nights wasting time

Never thought I'd see you again in my life

Why you been acting like a stranger?

Thanks for reading!

Swim (Reprise) – Valley

This tune came at the recommendation of my lovely, very musical friend. It's happy and sounds like it belongs in an indie movie, with lots of stacked vocals and a catchy melody.

Use Me – PVRIS (feat. 070 Shake)

I forgot how much I loved PVRIS! Lynn Gunn is a unique, gritty vocalist, and paired with PVRIS's dark, alternative pop/rock sound, it's always a great listen. This collaboration brings a hip-hop flavor into the mix too.

Autobahn – Anberlin

This song is an outlier in Anberlin's usual heavy rock rotation, but I'm always a sucker for a cute love song, so it's been living on my playlist this month.

Hard On Yourself – Charlie Puth (feat. blackbear)

I'll love anything Charlie Puth puts out; he's just a pop music genius. This R&B tune is super groovy, and even though I don't particularly care for blackbear, his feature fits right in.

Afterglow – Taylor Swift

After many, MANY listens through folklore, I had the urge to go back to some of my old(er) favorites, and this song has been stuck in my head for weeks now. Super underrated in my opinion, go check this song out if you want to hear a good TS deep cut.

Echo (feat. Tauren Wells) – Hillsong Worship

Usually, I'm not a fan of super mainstream worship music made by groups like Hillsong, but this song really got me with its upbeat and positive message.

NOW – Olivia O'Brien

Olivia is one of my all-time favorite artists for edgy girl pop, and this new release is no exception. The song samples “Right Now” by Akon, and includes some fun sound effects from video games.

Landslide – Alex Blue & Sleeping At Last

I'll always love this classic Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks tune, and there are so many great covers out there, including this one. It's so beautiful and peaceful, and I love it as a duet here.

Heather – Conan Grey

This is one of those wonderfully sad songs that just punch you in the gut with its description of unrequited love – and worse yet, watching the object of your affections fall in love with someone else.

All I Want – Lauren Spencer-Smith

I dedicated a Single Saturday to reviewing this song, and it's just so good, I'm still not over it.

Head And Heart On Fire – LEON

I'll always listen to LEON when I'm in the mood for some great vocals, emotional lyrics, and an infectious 80's-flavored sound.

Coil subscribers, keep scrolling for a link to my complete playlist from this month, with many more great songs!

Thanks for reading!