Single Saturday: Wisdom Teeth – Bea Miller


Bea Miller has been in my rotation of favorite artists for years now, ever since she rose to fame on The X Factor in 2013. She's progressed from girl pop with punk rock elements into more alternative, experimental, and honest songwriting in recent years.

This new single is off of her upcoming EP, elated, which drops October 23rd. It's a song that takes a lighthearted stab at wishing you still had your happy-go-lucky outlook on life that you used to have as a young kid:

Why am I so stupid? Used to be so smart

When they pulled my teeth out, lost the wisest part

I used to be so happy no matter what happened to me

But when they pulled my teeth out, lost the wisest part

It uses the analogy of getting your wisdom teeth out as a high-school-aged teen to getting your childhood attitude removed, and it's set to a catchy pop tune that you can always expect from Bea.

Bea's tour was the last concert I saw before COVID shut everything down, so I have very fond memories of dancing around and yelling the words to her songs – hopefully we get back to normal soon, and I can experience live music like hers again!

Thanks for reading!