Single Saturday: Have U Found What Ur Looking For? – Ashton Irwin


This appears to be the most unlikely scenario for a solo breakaway from a band – 5SOS's drummer, Ashton, surprised all of us with the announcement that he's releasing an entire solo album himself. He's spoken about how he wants to create songs that are honest and address issues that he's gone through personally. It's a big win for us OG 5SOS fans, because we've known that Ashton has a great voice and vision for music, even though he's stuck behind the drum set in the background most of the time.

This single has a big, anthemic 80's rock feel, with lyrics addressing the feeling of trying to make it through life when you feel beaten down. It compares the journey of just making it up the stairs to Mount Everest, which is a really vivid picture of what anxiety or depression can feel like. It's a great tune, and I'm excited to see what he puts out next!

Thanks for reading!