Wow, I completely forgot to do one of these until I realized it was the last day of the month! This June has flown by, and so much has happened, it will be nice to catch my breath and reflect on everything from the past 30 days.

Start Here: Master Post
I created a navigation post, containing every category of my posts and links to each one of them. It took A LOT of work, but I'm very happy to have it now, and I will continue to update and repost it every once in a while.
I made a few lists of things I wanted to share, from TV shows...

Prime Time: My TV Show Recommendations
...to groceries...

My Favorite Food Finds From Trader Joe's!
...and, on a more serious note, things I'm glad I know now instead of later in life:

9 Things I'm Glad I Learned At A Young Age
I had plenty of playlists for y'all this month too, from years past, from TikTok, and my staple, the current Monthly Mixtape:

Monthly Mixtape, Throwback Edition: June 2017

TikTok Songs: A Playlist

Monthly Mixtape – June 2020
I was inspired to use my boost payment this month to give back, so I posted about 5 charities I divided my donations between:

Boost Gives Back: Donating To Charity
In terms of my personal life, SO much has changed so quickly! I spent an entire weekend helping my boyfriend move into a new apartment across town- it was hard work, but the new place is perfect, feels homey, and he's got a great space coming together.
I, on the other hand, am moving closer to the city in just about a month, which is crazy! I applied for the apartment for the first time in my life, and my roommates and I should be signing the lease very soon. I'm amassing new decor and tons of kitchen supplies, and gearing up to pay all my own bills and be away from my family (finally).
Finally, at the end of this month, I received a very last-minute offer for what can only be described as my dream internship: creating content and writing copy for a branding and business coach!

An Unexpected Development
I'm so excited to see what the next month brings, with working the internship and getting ready to move out. I'm so thankful and blessed to have the opportunities I've gotten this month, and I can't wait for what's next!
Thank you to every single one of you who reads my blogs, supports me, upvotes me, and cares about what I have to say. I appreciate it more than you'll ever know.
P.S. Be on the lookout for the work I'll be doing in my internship, I'm hoping to introduce my boss and her business to the wonderful world of Coil and web monetization for her web presence!
Thanks for reading!