Moving Out

I'm moving out of my parent's house for the first time at the end of this month.

I never thought I'd be able to say that anytime soon, much less still being at my part-time job and being in college. But I'm doing it, thank God, and it's pretty scary.

I won't be able to spend a bunch of money on “fun” purchases or special food all the time anymore, and I sure won't be able to buy my friends tons of gifts for their birthdays or Christmas. I'll have to stick to a budget, and I can't cheat on it. I'll have to deal with every problem myself, with no one to take the fall for me.

But this is what I need, and I can't wait.

My relationship with my family has been less than stellar, to say the very least. It's only gotten worse and more strained in the past year or so. I know that, for my own well-being, I need to get out, see the world through new eyes, and become my own individual person.

I'm ready to grow, to learn how to live with roommates, and to become a better, more grown-up version of myself.

I have no idea what to expect. Anything could happen with the girls I'm going to be living with... hopefully we'll end up as best friends! I'm also so excited to have a chance to completely re-decorate my room. No more bright blue walls – I'll have a completely blank slate for my new color scheme, decorations, and plenty of Christmas lights. I'll have to share photos of my new space once it's completely finished and decorated!

There is plenty to stress about, and plenty to be excited about. While I'm venturing out into the unknown, I trust myself enough to know that I WILL be able to handle whatever life throws at me next, and that I will become a better person because of this.

Cheers to a new city, new friends, and new beginnings!

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