Sophie (Chanko) Dare

Creating, writing, and writing about creating!Connect with me on Twitter and Instagram @yesimsophie

Life goes by so fast, and yet so slow at the same time when you're in love. You remember so many specific little moments, afternoons, days, and nights, and sometimes the days seem to drag on as you wait for the next occasion. But then, one day you look up, and your anniversary is this weekend.

Two whole years ago, Peter decided it was time for us to stop being “just friends”, and we became boyfriend & girlfriend. It was absolutely surreal (and terrifying), considering I'd spent so long convincing myself we'd never be anything more than good buddies, but here we are.

September 8, 2018 – our first picture as a couple

I think our story is pretty cute, so without further ado, here's the tale of how life brought us together in the strangest of ways!


We begin in the summer of 2015, when both of us turned 16 and set out to get our first jobs. I interviewed at my local Panera Bread cafe and got the job in June, and soon after that, Peter came through the front doors looking for a job of his own.

And so came about our first interaction, which we still remember and laugh about. He came in wearing a striped polo shirt and baggy jeans, in true homeschooler fashion. I thought he looked awfully unprofessional, since my mom had always told me never to wear jeans to an interview. I may or may not have roasted him for it from my register, and then we became coworkers shortly after.

We bonded over the music he was playing on his portable speaker in the back while washing dishes. We talked about twenty one pilots, and he told me all about his other favorite band, Relient K. I had never heard of them, so a few weeks later, he brought me a grocery bag full of all his Relient K CDs to listen to. I put them all in my old car with a six-disc changer, and got hooked on their songs.

We would close the cafe together almost ever single Friday night for the two years that I worked there during high school. I missed out on a lot of social events, but I would still rather be working, making my own money, and having a friend there to greet me with “How was your week?” every Friday after school.

He was hilarious, smart, quirky, and kind, and we became great work buddies real fast. Every other twenty-something we worked with would tease us incessantly – half because we were super close and they made fun of us for “being in love”, and half because we were both dorky 16 year olds who had no idea what the real world was like.

Eventually, we became better friends, and that turned into us hanging out outside of work, and me going over to his house for dinner all the time, hanging out with his sisters and becoming friends with his mom. It was lovely, and even though I of course thought he was cute, we were having so much fun being friends and hanging out.

After we both had graduated high school, he moved out to an apartment in Ann Arbor, so we weren't coworkers anymore, and we would just text and see each other once in a while at the community college we both started attending.

There were plenty of ups and downs in this period of being more grown up – he was out on his own, trying to make ends meet and learning the hard way how to be responsible for himself, and I was busy taking classes, working two jobs, and having several not-so-great dates with guys from the local music scene that never worked out. I missed him a lot, definitely a little bit too much for being “just a friend.”

We had some rocky stretches as we became closer friends, and even an anti-fight of not speaking for two months. It was one of the worst times in my life, honestly, since I've never really fought with a friend before. But we eventually made up, moved on, and went on to hang out all the time in a big group of friends the entire summer after that – 2018. I watched him play music and do stand-up comedy at open mics almost every week for months, and it really felt like everything was back to normal, and I had my buddy back.

As that summer came to an end, and friends were going back to college and moving away, we had one last hurrah with most of the group. We had taco night at Peter's parents' house on Labor Day, and as per usual, I was the last to leave, sitting on the kitchen counter with his siblings talking and laughing. I finally went out to my car around 1am, and realized he was following behind me. I was worried I had done something wrong and I was about to be confronted. But I turned around, asked him what was up, and he said the legendary, earth-shattering words: “Do you think we could give things a shot...between us?”

And what did I do, when I realized my teenage dreams were coming true, and I was finally about to break out of the friendzone?

I proceeded to swear at him, because I was so shocked and surprised.

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Here we are, going into the last third of 2020 – crazy, right? A lot has changed for me this month, and I loved being able to chronicle my new journeys in life through blog posts. Here's my highlights!

My New Apartment!

First and foremost, I moved out! My new place is super cute (as you can see by the pictures), and I have no complaints so far. Getting to live with two roommates who are my friends and not my family has been super fun for the most part, and it feels great to take care of myself and be a real life adult.

Easy Meal Prep Ideas

I discovered my true love for cooking (out of necessity) now that I have my own place, and I've been eating pretty darn good. I'll likely post new installments of meals I come up with, because I'm always on the lookout for new recipes!

The Personalities of Business: Brand Archetypes

This topic was a big part of my internship, and after creating tons of content about the twelve brand personalities, I wanted to share our graphics with all of you on Coil!

folklore – Taylor Swift Album Review

We all know that this album came out of nowhere and changed the world, and I had thoughts on it. A lot of thoughts. I worked hard on this and I'm super proud of it!

Tink and the Lost Boys – The End of the Road EP Review

I got my first official paid gig to write a review for a newly released project by one of my favorite local bands! It was fun to listen to and even more fun to write – this is part of what I do on my Fiverr page!

Fast Fashion & Sustainable Shopping: Part 1

Finally, I began writing about the truth behind our super cheap clothes from huge clothing retailers, and how to be more aware of what and how we are consuming.

Look out for Part 2 coming very soon (subscriber only), where I'll talk all about some amazing ethical fashion brands, and ways that you can help to alleviate the damage fast fashion is doing to our world.

Thanks for reading!




I like The Japanese House as an artist because their music always scratches a particular itch for me: dreamy, heavily produced, and chilled out songs, perfect for driving late at night. This new track jumped out at me because it guest stars another amazing producer and vocalist: Justin Vernon, otherwise known as the vocals and face of Bon Iver.

Bon Iver is in the public eye now more than ever because of the prominent feature on exile, a track on Taylor Swift's new masterpiece of an album, folklore. That's a great thing, because Bon Iver deserves way more recognition for the captivating, intricate, and creative music they make. Justin Vernon provides the vocals for that project, often filtered through pedals and filters, and this feature this track is no exception. There's tons of crunchy, layered harmonies from Amber Bain as well as Justin Vernon, and it creates a whole soundscape of Imogen Heap-style vocoder.

Thanks for reading!

Music is one of the best ways to tell a story- it adds so much more depth and emotion to hear someone retell a specific experience through lyrics and a melody. I love songs that are vulnerable and honest, and these stories are among my all-time favorites:

Boxes – Ben Rector

Ben Rector writes sweet, nostalgic songs through and through, but this one specifically tells the story of cleaning out his office at home and finding old boxes of things from his past: childhood photos, mementos, and the first CD's he recorded his first songs on. He tells about the people in the photos he found – some are famous, and some are still the same small-town kids he knew them as years ago.

His Favorite Christmas Story – Capital Lights

Plenty of Christmas songs tell stories, but I bet you've never heard of this one. It recounts the tale told by a grandfather of a girl he met at a Christmas party long ago in his youth, and it's super cute and sappy, as most Christmas songs are.

Betty – Taylor Swift

I don't think I have to explain how great of a storyteller TS is, but this sweet tune off of her latest album is one for the ages. Read about the old-fashioned love story this song tells in my full review here!

Old Friends – Ben Rector

Surprise, more Ben Rector. This song recounts his escapades as a kid, and appreciating the value of friends you've had for many years.

American Pie – Don McLean

This has got to be the craziest, longest, and most iconic story song there is. Even though it hardly makes any sense, it's entertaining and you can't help but sing along to all nine minutes of it.

Where it all ended... – Katherine Cimorelli

This is a sad song for the ages; I don't care to admit how many times I've sat in my car and cried to this, but it's been many, many times. Katherine, a member of girl band Cimorelli, took her solo spot on their album Sad Girls Club to tell the haunting story of a deep heartbreak and loss of someone, from the details of their first dates to the things written in letters and thoughts after they left her. It's long, it's raw, and it's an incredible piece of art. If you listen to one sad song from this list, listen to this one.

Remembering Sunday – All Time Low (feat. Juliet Simms)

This holds plenty of nostalgia for me; it always brings me back to the year that I discovered All Time Low and they became one of my favorite bands. This song is a great (and sad) acoustic ballad about a guy chasing after a girl that got away from him.

5:15 – Bridgit Mendler

This girl has got to be THE most underrated Disney star in the business. She was just another blonde teen actress on the show Good Luck Charlie back in the day, but her pop album that she released during her Disney career is surprisingly solid. I love every song on it, and this one tells a mysterious tale of someone waiting up for a lover, and giving him a deadline – it's not clear if it's 5:15 AM or PM, but either way, she's skipping town if he doesn't come home by then.

Blown Away – Carrie Underwood

Country songs rely heavily on storytelling as a norm, but I remember when this song came out and I couldn't stop listening to it because of all the chills it gave me.

Blue – Lauren Cimorelli

In case you haven't noticed, the Cimorelli girls can write one heck of a song. This one is fun and lighthearted, recounting an experience of a creative date night with a boy she just met.

Is There Somewhere – Halsey

This is a classic from the early 2010's Tumblr world, and it still holds up. Old Halsey was the best Halsey in my opinion, and the dark romanticism of spending a night in a hotel with a new lover is just magical.

Thanks for reading!

Forever 21, H&M, SHEIN, Romwe – these clothing giants have become universal sources for super cheap, affordable clothing that keeps up with the trends of the minute. TikTok is filled with hauls from SHEIN, with teens spending only about $5 per item of clothing bought directly from the manufacturer in China.

It's easy to look at these sites and think, “wow, what a deal, it only benefits me to buy cheap clothes so I can get more pieces!”

Think again.

This is what we call “fast fashion,” inexpensive clothing produced rapidly by mass-market retailers in response to the latest trends. It's easily accessible for young consumers who don't have a full-time income, and it allows people to buy many pieces of clothing to match whatever styles are “in” that week.

But what most people don't realize are the detrimental & insidious effects of this rapid production of clothing, just for the sake of being “on trend.”

The fast fashion industry is responsible for producing 20% of global wastewater. In 2015, the fast fashion industry created 92 million tons of wastewater. This results in the contamination of rivers, oceans, freshwater sources, and soil.

The fashion industry has become so industrialized and inundated with endless new styles and trends each day, that even the rampant consumerism cannot keep up with the sheer volume of clothes being produced. Millions of tons of clothing end up in landfills each year. MILLIONS OF TONS; 1 ton is 2,000 pounds. Think of how many pieces of clothing is in just one of those tons. All going to waste.

With current technologies, it would take 12 years to recycle what the fast fashion industry creates in 48 hours.

We buy 2X more clothes than we did just 15 years ago (2015 data).

Many people admit to having unused clothes in their closet. Often, we end up with many more clothes than we actually need. Since the 1980s, the statistics are even more shocking. We buy 400% more on average than we did at that time. (source)

Not only is fast fashion creating astronomical amounts of waste, it also directly encourages unethical and oppressive work environments, exploiting overseas factory workers. The average clothing manufacturing worker in Bangladesh earns 33 US cents per hour. 40 million people work in the garment industry today, and 85% of those workers are women or children, who are often mistreated and are subject to physical and sexual abuse.

So, now that you have the facts, why should you care?

Fast fashion contributes to the modern idea that what we have will never be enough. It encourages us to buy whatever we can get our hands on just to “keep up with the Joneses,” even if that comes at the expense of others receiving fair wages and good working conditions. Getting whatever we want, whenever we want it when it comes to fashion is just not ethical.

Even if we do really enjoy the pieces we're buying, the companies that produce this on-trend clothing are taking part in planned obsolescence - they make clothes to fall apart. The clothes are cheap because they are made cheaply, and they don't last through washing, drying, or even wearing too much. So, when that cute $7 t-shirt from Forever 21 inevitably shrinks in the dryer, you write it off as a loss and buy a few more t-shirts next time you're in Forever 21 to make up for it.

This contributes to the mindset of everything being disposable - as soon as something isn't good enough for my standards that day, I'll just toss it out and get something that gives me a little more dopamine when I buy it. That's not a healthy attitude for anyone to be operating under, and certainly not something that I want to live by.

We are taught to buy as much as we can, and not to question why it's so cheap. I”ve fallen for it plenty of times, and I'm sure all of you have as well. But learning about what's behind clothing production has been eye-opening to me, and I don't share this information to be critical or to induce guilt.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this blog, where I'll share the much more positive side of this issue, and show you how to shop more ethically and sustainably! Coil subscribers only!

Thanks for reading!



I love Noah Cyrus's original music, but this cover of the Stevie Wonder tune stacks up just as well. I added it to my monthly playlist yesterday, and when it came on shuffle in the car, I couldn't help but dance! It sounds just like a song you'd play during dinner at a wedding – it's got that classic swing & big band feel, and optimistic lyrics about finding someone you love dearly. It just made me feel so happy and lighthearted; I'd highly recommend it if you want a pick-me-up this weekend!

Thanks for reading!

Chasing A Feeling – LEON

On this track, LEON takes her usual vintage style and adds modern elements, like a dance bass beat and produced background vocals. The song is about doubting if a relationship is worth it, or if they're chasing after something that isn't really there anymore.

Heartbreak Hotel – Abigail Barlow

“I don't need a boyfriend, that shit's full-time employment” is the sassy refrain of this song that I've heard on TikTok for months now. Abigail Barlow is just another small-time pop artist who had her song blow up overnight on TikTok, and now has millions of streams on her new EP!

Take Yourself Home – Troye Sivan

Troye Sivan is from the early 2010's golden days of teenage YouTube, but many years later, he's still making interesting, honest alternative pop music. This song sounds like a fast nighttime drive through the brightly lit streets of the big city, but with lyrics mourning the loneliness and shallowness that comes with living in the big city. The very end of the song drops into a crazy new beat, and it goes pretty hard (in the words of my boyfriend when I first played him this song).

A Thousand Hearts – State Champs (feat. Saxl Rose)

This acoustic tune from my favorite rockers is lovely, subdued, and catchy, like all their unplugged versions. I'm always a sucker for a male/female duet, so the vocal feature just makes this song even better.

Daylight – Joji & Diplo

This song sounds like the Arctic Monkeys meets modern pop, and I'm loving it. It's a catchy, laid-back song with lush instrumentals and vocals.

my future – Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish never misses, we know this. This song starts super minimal and slow, with ethereal vocals and foreboding 7th chords. Then, it suddenly bursts into a quick hip-hop beat with a groove. The lyrics are lighthearted and confident, with Billie saying that she's perfectly happy living her life, not depending on anyone else, and being in love with what's to come in her future.

invisible string – Taylor Swift

This whole album is still on repeat for me, and you can read my many thoughts on this song and the fifteen other ones in my full review here!

you! – LANY

This single from LANY's upcoming album is decidedly more rock than their usual lo-fi pop style. It channels The 1975, but still keeps their signature emotional lyrics and storytelling.

Put Your Records On – Ritt Momney

Okay, OH MY GOSH. It's been a long time since a song made me feel THIS HAPPY! It's a cover of the classic song by Corinne Bailey Rae, but it has the modern flair of synths, drum pads, and super-tuned and harmonized vocals. If you just listen to one song on this month's playlist, put this one on! It's so much fun.

If I Hated You – FLETCHER

FLETCHER always throws down some serious honesty in her songs, and this one is no exception. She sings about wishing that she could move on and leave the memories of an ex behind without dreaming about getting back together.

Coil subscribers, keep on scrolling for a link to my complete playlist for this month!

Thanks for reading!