Working Overtime

As someone who's only ever worked part-time, the term “overtime” MAY be a bit of a stretch. But regardless, lately my workload has increased far beyond what it's ever been before.

Even though everything I'm working on is interesting and relevant to my future career, it's still much more than I'm used to, and it's getting a little overwhelming trying to juggle all the different balls I've got in the air.

I still have the same day job I've had for over two years, working at my local credit union as a member service rep. That's been great, especially through the pandemic, since banking will never go out of business, and my paychecks and job were safe. But I now have my remote internship, with work and Zoom calls every single day, on top of writing for Coil and doing online classwork for my business degree!!

It's been a lot, to say the least.

I wish I could focus tons of time on writing valuable, entertaining posts for my blog, but I'm currently spending every spare second writing blogs for my boss's website! It's such a good learning experience, and I'm still so thankful to even have this internship (read about the crazy circumstances surrounding it here!). I'm just feeling stretched thin, and with my move-out date fast approaching, I'm sure life is only going to get crazier.

But I'm enjoying the little things and breaks I do get – I got to switch one of my work days and go up to our rental cottage on Lake Huron, and lay out in the sun for a day. My lovely boyfriend and I just went out for a very fancy dinner in downtown Ann Arbor that was supposed to happen in March (!), and I (almost) didn't think about working the whole evening.

I'm happy I have engaging work to keep me busy, but I'll be ready once I get a breather in a few weeks. In the meantime, hopefully I'll have some awesome, more well-thought-out blogs to post again soon!

Thanks for reading!