Tink and the Lost Boys – The End of the Road EP Review



This local teenage rock band has not wasted any of their time during this quarantine. While kids all over Michigan were sitting at home instead of graduating from high school, these guys spent several nights in the empty band room of the local middle school, rocking out and recording this new four-song EP.

Dear Sophia kicks things off with a high-energy tune (as usual), with lyrics being a letter to the titular girl who's moved away.

Dear Sophia, hope you're well, it's been two weeks since you left and now I feel like hell

Summer's ending, so I'm sending all my love to you

Dear Sophia, write back soon!

I can see this song as a great opener or closer to a live set, with a catchy chorus and words that are easy to sing (or yell) along to.

Weeping Willow comes next, with a drastic shift in tone lyrically and musically. The guitar tones are psychedelic, and the beat is more jazzy and laid-back. The lyrics are surprisingly introspective, and they muse about the mental process of creating music, and the less-than-stellar state of art & the world these days. This is the standout track for me, I'd pick it as my favorite on the EP.

I'm Your Doll takes a straight shot into the punk genre, with crunchy vocal effects and guitar tones. The lyrics use the macabre idea of someone controlling their voice, actions, and feelings like a voodoo doll. There's a half-time break for the bridge in the middle that really builds up the song into an explosive ending.

Orange Creamsicle sounds like it could be from a Weezer album, at least in the first half. Then, it switches tempos back into a full-force rock song to finish out the EP with a bang.

Tink and the Lost Boys is:

Jack Fulton: vocals & rhythm guitar

Tristan Presley: lead guitar

Johnny McCormick: bass & backing vocals

Noah Mueller: keys

Nick Fites/Draven Whitaker: drums

Recorded & produced by Johnny McCormick

Mixed & mastered by Alec Garnica

Follow @tinkandthelostboys on Instagram!

Thanks for reading!