My Month On Coil: October Recap

This has definitely been the most monumental month I've had to recap on Coil so far. Everything seemed to happen at once, and it's still sinking in that this is my new chapter in my life now. Here's all the fun stuff from the past 31 days!


I finished my classes for the time being! I was getting really burnt out on having to fit in online college classes with everything else I was working on – my job, internships, blogging, and my personal and social life. So, when I finished my last final in my semester of classes, I didn't sign up again, and I couldn't be happier about it. I'm sure completing my Business & Marketing degree would be beneficial, and I'm not knocking college at all, but it's not for me right now, and it's great to just forget about it and not worry about that responsibility on me.

One Year On Coil!

It was my Coil-versary too! It's crazy to think that one year ago, I decided to take the leap into blogging and (hopefully) make it my side hustle. Fast forward to now, I made it into the boost program this past February, and I've been working as hard as I could this past year to stay consistent, produce great content, and connect with the Coil community. It's paid off in more ways than I could ever imagine, including...

My New Startup Job!

...getting me a full-time marketing job!!! I was on the hunt to really jump into my career after working for free for many different internships, and when this opportunity came my way, I couldn't believe my luck. I'm so excited to start next week, stay tuned for more updates!


And finally... I got engaged! Crazy, right? We've been waiting for the right time for a while now, and it's so lovely to begin planning our new life together.

ENGAGED: The Story

This month has just been a heap of blessings, and it still doesn't feel real how lucky I am to have everything going for me right now. Hopefully, this next month brings fun wedding planning and a smooth adjustment to my new job.

Thanks for reading!