My Month On Coil: July Recap

Seven months down, only five more to go in 2020... as much as we probably want this insane year to be over, I'm enjoying the positives that have come my way so far, and embracing being along for the ride. Here's my highlights from this past month:

Wordless Wednesday: The Big Chop

First things first, I finally got to return to the salon and cut my hair off! I tried growing it out for a while, but I honestly don't feel like myself with all that hair. I felt like I was returning to my true self with short hair again, and I already can't wait to get it cut again (lol).

Long Distance Friendship

I got the chance to visit my friend who lives a couple hours away; we would have seen each other for a couple of concerts in March and April, but since everything got canceled, we hadn't seen each other since last fall. We did the few things you could do during a quarantine: hiked some trails at a state park, got takeout vegan food, and wandered IKEA with masks on. I wrote about some of my thoughts and experience being friends with someone from a different place and different walk of life, and it made me really happy to be able to see her again!

To All The Boys Movie Soundtrack

While at my friend's place, we watched this movie, and I was greatly impressed by the eclectic soundtrack – I found playlists of the songs from the movie, and I've been playing them non-stop ever since!

Getting Clear On Your Audience

I spent the vast majority of this month working on writing content for my remote internship for Keenya Kelly, an online branding consultant and business coach. This is one of my first published blogs on her site (the website is currently going through some issues and being reconstructed, but you can still read the text at the link in this post!).

Working Overtime

Between working my day job at my credit union, creating content for Coil, writing for my internship, and taking online college classes, I started to feel the burn of a heavy workload for the first time in a while. It's been tough to juggle everything, but I'm making it through just fine now, and I know everything I'm working on is benefiting me in the long run.

5 Things I Did To Get Into The Boost Program (I Think)

I laid out the main points that I held myself to while I was intentionally working on getting my blog up to par with being accepted to receive boosts. Most of it is just best practices to help make your content better and better, but I think this is what worked for me to push me to the top and qualify me to receive extra compensation (thanks, Coil :)

4 Goals I Want To Reach By 25

I feel like I finally know what I want to do with my life, at least a little bit. I wrote about the big things I want to accomplish while I'm still young, and it's exciting to think about all the life I have ahead of me instead of being stressed about it.

Taylor Swift, Yesterday And Today

With the surprise release of Taylor's dreamy new album, folklore, I reflected on how her music has been there throughout my entire life, how much of an impact she's had, and the magnitude of her musical & personal journey up to now.

Moving Out (by Billy Joel)

And finally...

As of last night, I officially don't live with my family anymore, and let me tell you, what a load off. My new room is coming together, I'm going to grocery shop for myself for the first time this weekend, and I get to feel like a true adult for the first time ever. I can't believe it's already happened, and it's crazy to think that when I leave work tonight, I'll be driving home to my own place.

I've been so blessed in so many ways to be able to provide for myself on my own at this point. I'm so thankful that everything has worked out and I've made it to my new city with no hiccups along the way. I'm sure there will be plenty of strange new feelings and experiences that come along with being out of the house for the first time, but I say, bring it on. Things are looking up.

Thanks for reading!