Launching My Fiverr Page!
Guys, I'm a real-life, bona-fide freelancer now.
If you haven't heard of Fiverr before, it's a one-stop-shop platform for all things freelance – you can easily hire people to provide you with logo design, voiceover work, custom art, video editing, or, in my case, music reviews and bios!
I've attempted to market my skills to the countless small-time musicians within my personal network, and even though I'm confident that my writing could benefit their online presence, it's tough to get people to follow through once a price is in the picture.
As we know very well here on Coil, we as creators deserve to be fairly compensated for the skill, time, and effort we put into our projects. So once I realized that I could start putting small price tags on my work on Fiverr, I jumped right in.
I made my very first sale last week! I wrote a bio for a fairly new producer, it didn't take me long at all, and we had a great interaction as I completed the job! You can see it right here on his Spotify profile!
One piece of advice I've heard time and time again on the topic of financial success and building long-term wealth is to have multiple streams of income. I've already been able to accomplish this through Coil boost payments each month in addition to my regular job paychecks, but I'm just getting started. I hope to use this Fiverr page to expand my freelance experience, and to continue to manage social media and learn new skills at new internships.
I've got some lofty aspirations, and if I'm going to work hard to get to where I want to be, I want to be working hard at something I'm passionate about. A whole world of possibilities are open to me through the Internet, and I can't tell you how exciting it is to see my first couple of bucks come in through my Fiverr earnings page!
Check out my page here, and if you know anyone who might benefit from my services, go ahead and share!
Thanks for reading!