ENGAGED: The Story

The question everyone's been asking me since last week is,

The answer is, he pulled off a pretty elaborate scheme to make the proposal night extra special! I've already explained the story to all of my coworkers, so I figured I'd write a post for all of you to enjoy as well!

To preface, I just have to say: I had predicted pretty well how I thought the proposal would go, down to the exact spot and what would happen afterwards. So, it was funny, because even while I was so shocked and surprised, I had already imagined it happening the exact same way that it really did!

We had known that this fall would be the right time – our two-year anniversary was September 5, and I knew it would be coming after then, but before the holiday season started. I picked out my ring on Etsy a couple months prior, and I was just so excited to finally see it in person soon. Everything was in place... I just had to wait for the mysterious day.

The day began as any usual Sunday would: we went to church (masked and distanced) in the morning, and then came back to my place to cook lunch and relax. He told me earlier that week that we were going to have dinner with his grandparents in Howell, their small hometown, that Sunday night, which I thought nothing of, since that's a semi-regular occurrence.

He was acting so normal and not nervous at all, so I really didn't suspect a thing, but the day before, I did start to get the inkling that it was happening very soon. We drove up to Howell, and listened to our master playlist of Owl City songs for a good old dose of nostalgia.

We had gotten there early so that we could walk around the quaint downtown area, which we'd also done many times before. It started raining, and by the time we were on the other end of town, we were soaking wet and cold. I wanted to go back to the car, but then I realized where he was leading me: the bridge over the railroad tracks.

That spot on the bridge had been special to us ever since the very first time he brought me there, two years ago. It's surrounded by beautiful, leafy trees, and you're high in the air with the train tracks down below. I always thought it was so pretty there, and I secretly knew/hoped he would propose there.

And then, before I had time to process, there we were, on the bridge, surrounded by vibrant red fall leaves, and he proposed, soaking wet in the rain.

I was so surprised, and I could barely take in the moment; he just hugged me and we stood there for a while in shock! Then, he said we needed to head back down to the center of town, so we did.

He led me to the little church and down the stairs into the social hall, where our parents and a few friends were waiting to surprise us! It was so sweet and thoughtful of him to invite the people that mean the most to us to celebrate this moment.

We had a mini engagement party, with fried chicken for dinner and cupcakes for dessert, and his sister took some photos of all of us which you can see here!

It still feels so surreal, and I can't even wrap my head around wedding planning just yet. I've got the most beautiful ring on my finger, and I've got a man who wants to take care of me and love me for our whole lives. It almost just feels normal and peaceful, because we've known this is how we'd end up all along. I can't wait to prepare for our new life, and I can't wait to share the journey on Coil as well.

Thanks for reading!